Melodrama and Comercialization

 Telenovelas as an artistic medium have a primary goal, at least for the companies that create them, of generating profit. Aside from the hooks and cliffhangers that every episode leaves viewers hanging onto, the drama of the work is processed for commercialization into over the top melodrama. 

The melodrama of the medium brings in readers and holds their attention in full. Melodrama sensationalizes the human characters and stories of Telenovelas. Within these stories there is generally an aspect of separation or removal from that which is desired by the character. Although not all viewers may relate to the separation from their love, most viewers are familiar with the feeling of loss and separation from something they desire. The often added melodrama of novelas plays up these accompanying emotions to an extreme, allowing viewers to become further engrossed in them and to fully take in the characters feelings, potentially as a means to explore their own. 

The melodramatic dramatization of emotion also creates a spectacle for viewers. Spectacle is not to say that the work is of lesser value artistically or lacking in nuance. Spectacle and melodrama can possess a great deal of emotional and artistic weight and exploration. The spectacle simply has the benefit of grasping and holding viewers' attention more easily than other forms of storytelling.

The creation of spectacle via the use of melodramatic storytelling and acting in Telenovelas is a primary contributor to the depth with which these works hooks imbed themselves within viewers. Through these means, ratings of shows and viewership increase, thus generating immense profit for production companies.
